
Event Section

Adding an Event section is a great way to draw attention to specific upcoming events. You can easily upload an image, add information about the event, and include details such as the date, time, and location. Additionally, you can add a button, which could be used to link to a signup form or website for the event. 

  1. Click on the bulletin you would like to edit. 
  2. Drag an "Events" section on the left into the phone, to add this as a section to your bulletin. 
  3. Click on the bulletin phone preview where it says "Events" to open up and edit this section. 
    • Title allows you to name this section of your bulletin, you may choose something like Worship Night.  
    • You can add an image to this page of your bulletin. 
    • Date allows for you to set the dates of the event. 
    • Time allows you to set the time of the event. 
    • Location allows for you to include information on where the event is taking place. 
    • Body Text allows for you to update the content and provide necessary details about the event.
    • Button allows you to add a button that links to a form, website, social media page...or pretty much anywhere you’d like!
      • Use Button Text to Label the button
      • Use Button Link to attach the web address you would like the button to take people to when clicked. 
  4. Once you have made necessary changes select Done Editing to return to the main area of the bulletin. 



Embed a Calendar

If you already have an event calendar set up in another platform you may want to consider embedding that calendar into Loop!

  1. Click on the bulletin you would like to edit. 
  2. Drag a "Website" section on the left into the phone, to add this as a section to your bulletin. 
  3. Click on the bulletin phone preview where it says "Website" to open up and edit this section. 
    • Title allows you to name this section of your bulletin, you may choose something like Upcoming Events
  4. Choose the embed type you would like to use. 
    • Website allows for you to include a website that you would like to bring into this section, if you have an events calendar on your church website, you may want to simply put the link to this page on your website here. If you click show preview it will allow you to see how the website will appear. 
    • Embed Code allows for you to paste HTML Code Block that you have copied from another location into your bulletin. This should bring in your embedded calendar. 
  5. When Done, select Done Editing. 


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